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It is important for students to be on time to school every day.  We understand that emergencies and sicknesses require students to be absent on occasion. Please submit an excuse note within three days of your child’s absence. These notes may be submitted to your child’s teacher, or completed AT THIS LINK. ​Students who need to be released from school during school hours must have clearance from the office. Students will only be released to the parent, guardian, or other person(s) listed on the enrollment form and only after they have shown proper identification.  Early release of students is highly discouraged because it disrupts the educational environment. Students will NOT be released between 3:00 and 3:11 p.m.
Students who arrive between 9:00-11:00 a.m. are considered tardy.  Students who arrive after 11:00 a.m. or leave before 1:16 p.m. are considered absent for ½ day. Students who leave after 1:17 p.m. are considered an early release. Please be aware that tardies, absences, and early release affect students’ ability to earn the Perfect Attendance Award.



Iverson Elementary School maintains a climate of positive citizenship through the instruction of appropriate behaviors, and school and classroom incentives. When school-related misbehavior occurs, staff members may decide to use a variety of strategies to address the problem. The following forms are used when handling various behavioral issues:

  • Citations- A citation is a warning and serves as a reminder to your child to display positive behavior.  It may be administered to a child by any staff member in the building for the following behaviors: non-compliance, teasing, chronic missing work, dishonesty, chronic violation of the dress code, aggressive play, and inappropriate language/gestures. Citations must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to your child’s teacher. Students who receive 5 or more citations during a semester will automatically meet with an administrator for further action.

  • Office Referral- Students may receive an office referral for the following reasons: fighting, threats, harassment, bullying, abusive language, vandalism, arson, or attendance issues.  Students who receive office referrals are immediately sent to the office to meet with an administrator. When applicable, an administrator will complete an investigation, conference with the student, contact parents, and administer a consequence.

  • Request for Help- This form may be used by any student or parent who would like to report a problem with which he/she may need assistance. In most cases, these forms are used to report instances of negative interactions between students or bullying. Requests for Help may be turned in to the front office, where it will be turned over to an appropriate staff member to handle.


Every Child Eats!
We are pleased to inform you that the Clark County School District Food Service Department will be implementing a program at Iverson Elementary School called Provision 2.

What does this mean for you and your children attending this school?
All enrolled students at Provision 2 schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch every day for no charge during the 2022-2023 school year. Only breakfast and lunch meals will be free of charge; the purchase of a la carte items will require payment. Breakfast is FREE for ALL students and will be served in the classroom, after the bell, once students enter the room.
Feel free to call the Iverson lunch supervisor if you have any questions at (702) 799-7260 ext. 4012. 



Due to the increase in serious, life-threatening food allergies within our school, WE WILL NOT PERMIT ANY FOOD ITEMS TO BE BROUGHT ON STUDENT BIRTHDAYS.  If you would like to bring treats for your child’s class on his/her birthday, WE INVITE YOU TO BRING NON-FOOD ITEMS such as pencils, erasers, stickers, etc. Your child’s teacher will be happy to distribute these during the last 10 minutes of the school day.  Balloons will not be allowed in the classrooms, please refrain from bringing them to school.  Parents are invited to contribute store bought food items during school-wide celebration days including Halloween, Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day, and the last day of school when teachers can more closely monitor food distribution and make accommodations/substitutions for students with allergies.



All students must follow the school dress code every day. All clothing must follow these guidelines:

  • Straps on shirts must be at least 3 fingers wide.

  • Shirts must reach to your child’s waistline.

  • Shorts and skirts must be as long as the tip of your child’s fingertips when standing with his/her hands to his/her side.

  • No flip flops are allowed.

  • Words and phrases on clothing must be school appropriate. 



​​​Before School

  • Vehicles will not be allowed to park in the drop-off lane and should never be left unattended in the drop-off  lane! Staff members will assist students safely to the playground. Parents/guardians who wish to walk their child(ren) to the campus gates must park in the parking lot. Parents should NOT drop students off in the parking lot area.

  • Parking for parents is provided in the south section of the parking lot, with close proximity to a gate to the playground. Do not leave your car unattended in the red zone drop-off lanes!

  • Parents will not be permitted on campus for morning drop offs.

  •  At 8:45 a.m., the first bell rings and students walk through the cafeteria to pick up breakfast. Students who arrive after 8:55 a.m. must enter through the front office. Students who arrive after 9:00 a.m. are considered tardy

After School

  • Vehicles are not allowed to park in the drop-off lane. This is a fire lane. Parents/guardians who wish to pick up their children on the playground must park in the parking lot. DO NOT LEAVE CARS UNATTENDED IN THE DROP-OFF LANE!

  • Exterior gates will be opened at 3:10 p.m., and parents/guardians are welcome on the playground to pick up their children.  

  • All teachers will escort their students outside at 3:11 p.m. and will stay with the students until they are picked up by parents/guardians. If students are not picked up by 3:20 p.m., the teacher will escort the students to the office. Parents who habitually pick their children up late from school will be required to meet with an administrator.  Any further action will be in compliance with CCSD’s After School Care Plan which will be included in the Iverson folder your children receives on the first day of school.

  • At the beginning of the year, all parents/guardians are asked to provide, in writing, how your child will be exiting campus.  If you plan to change the way in which your child is going home on any given day, please let your child’s teacher know in writing.



Approximately once each week, all families receive an email and/or phone message via Parentlink regarding the school’s latest events and information. Please note: It is very important that parents keep the office updated with the most recent contact information in case of emergencies.
Parents are strongly encouraged to join any of the messaging apps that your child's teacher may use to keep you up to date of what is happening in the classroom regarding academics and behavior as well as upcoming events.  



Any items that are dangerous or inappropriate for school (toys, skateboards, etc.) are not allowed at school. Cell phones and other electronic communication devices may NOT be used during the school day. Students who need to communicate with their parents will be required to use a school phone. Items that are not allowed, or that are not used within the school guidelines, will be confiscated.



There is NO supervision for students before 8:45 a.m.  Please do NOT bring students to school before this time.  Occasionally the staff will do a morning sweep of the campus and you may be asked to return to pick up your children if it is before 8:45 a.m. For the safety of your children, please be aware that our staff provides supervision at the following times:

  • 8:45-8:55 a.m.- Grades 1-5 breakfast in classroom; Kindergarten Playground

  • 3:11 p.m.- Dismissal and Pick-up: Kindergarten, Primary, and Intermediate Playgrounds

Each day, after 3:20 p.m., students who are still on campus will be escorted to the front office.  Parents who habitually pick their children up late from school will be required to meet with an administrator.  Any further action will be in compliance with CCSD’s After School Care Plan. We STRONGLY recommend that you register your children for SafeKey through the Parks and Rec. Department in case of an emergency. SafeKey is available before school at 7:00 a.m. and after school until 6:00 p.m. in the multipurpose room.  They offer supervision and activities for students during this time. 
All exterior gates are locked from 8:55 a.m. until 3:20 p.m.  At 3:20 p.m., the campus is closed to the public.  All gates will be locked, and we ask all students and parents to leave the playground areas at that time. 



The safety and well-being of Iverson Elementary students is extremely important. Our responsibility for the safety of hundreds of students is taken seriously. It is imperative that all school visitors (parents, guardians, community members, guests) follow security measures for the protection and welfare of our students. Visitors are considered to be anyone not employed at Iverson Elementary. Please note the following:

  • ALL VISITORS MUST REPORT TO THE OFFICE to sign in and receive a visitor’s sticker.

  • Individuals who wish to visit a classroom must make prior arrangements with the teacher or principal.

  • Children visiting your home from other areas are not allowed to attend class.

  • Due to distractions small children may cause, please make prior arrangements for them to be left at home during times you plan to volunteer. 


Dr. Mervin Iverson​

     We are fortunate to have our school named after such a dedicated and involved community member.  Dr. Iverson was a staple in the education community.  He spent 41 years in education, first as a teacher and later as a building administrator, before going on to be director of curriculum, director of schools, assistant superintendent and area superintendent.  Not only was he a prominent educator in the Clark County School District,  but he took a leave of absence to serve as an administrator for Aramco Schools in Saudi Arabia from 1980-1985. During these years his family enjoyed traveling to many parts of the world.  He retired in 1995, but he never stopped being involved with the education of students in Clark County.  He continued on to help create the Clark County School District curriculum, and he was on the State Board of Education for eight years. In 2002, Dr. Iverson was honored to have a school named after him right in the community where he and his family reside.  On Saturday, February 4, 2017, Dr. Mervin Iverson passed away peacefully while in the company of his family.


1575 S. Hollywood Blvd,

Las Vegas, NV 89142

(702) 799-7260

Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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