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Iverson ES: Growing and Learning on Purpose

School News


2nd-No School

4th-13th - Fall Book Fair

9th-13th -  Spirit Week

10th- Super Family Literacy Night

16th- No School: Staff Development Day

19th- Fall Picture Day

23rd- PTA Meeting 3:30 PM

27th-Rock Your School Day


7th- PTA Meeting 3:30 PM

11th- Fall Carnival

14th- No School: Parent Teacher Conference Day

21st- Make -Up Picture Day

25th- No School: Nevada Day

28th- PTA Meeting 3:30 PM

31st- Large Specials

31st- Halloween Parade and Dance 2:00 PM

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Safe Voice Link

SafeVoice is an anonymous tip report system with live response 24/7/365. Safevoice (SV) includes and goes beyond bullying to create an anonymous way to also report threats of school violence and friends at risk of suicide, self-harm, drugs and more.

Parents: If you are interested in having your child participate in Iverson's Pre-Kindergarten program please fill out the interest form below.
     -Student must be 3 or 4 years old. (A 3 year old must be 3 before the first day of school).
     - Parent/Guardian must transport to and from school.
     -Student cannot be eligible for Kindergarten enrollment.
Pre-Kindergarten Interest Form


Dr. Mervin Iverson

     We are fortunate to have our school named after such a dedicated and involved community member.  Dr. Iverson was a staple in the education community.  He spent 41 years in education, first as a teacher and later as a building administrator, before going on to be director of curriculum, director of schools, assistant superintendent and area superintendent.  Not only was he a prominent educator in the Clark County School District,  but he took a leave of absence to serve as an administrator for Aramco Schools in Saudi Arabia from 1980-1985. During these years his family enjoyed traveling to many parts of the world.  He retired in 1995, but he never stopped being involved with the education of students in Clark County.  He continued on to help create the Clark County School District curriculum, and he was on the State Board of Education for eight years. In 2002, Dr. Iverson was honored to have a school named after him right in the community where he and his family reside.  On Saturday, February 4, 2017, Dr. Mervin Iverson passed away peacefully while in the company of his family.


1575 S. Hollywood Blvd,

Las Vegas, NV 89142

(702) 799-7260

Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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